Research & Development

Health Passport
Each camel should be treated (70g per day) for one month with:
- General mineral maintenance.
- Balance and intestinal defense.
- Defense of the respiratory tracts.
- High performance mineral against infectious diseases and viruses.

Protect camel with Camel’s Star against coronavirus. Camel's Star and its teams are working to fight SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). We offer two products, K23 and K24, which are respiratory immunity and protection of the biliary system.


Camel Star does not contain alcohol & animal product traces

A camel is not fed in the same way depending on whether it is intended for fattening, milk production or work. For racing, food is more a matter of sports nutrition than of basic zootechnics. What is a racing camel owner looking for? First of all a small hump (it's hard to run with a backpack!!!), a fine muscle mass giving the animal an aerodynamic profile. In addition, we must offer our sports animal a ration that allows it to carry out an intense effort combining endurance and speed: it therefore needs quickly usable energy, high-quality proteins and of course minerals and vitamins.

The energie

Main element of the effort
(especially important as muscle contractions are fast) energy is provided by carbohydrates and fats. The first, quickly usable ones are mainly used for short quick runs. They are therefore provided as a priority during speed events. On the other hand, for races requiring endurance, we will prefer rations rich in lipids that provide energy for more sustained efforts.

The proteins

To ensure the renewal of muscle fibres, the racing camel needs quality proteins, rich in particular in sulphur elements (methionine in particular).
Under no circumstances does the quantity take precedence (unlike milk production).
 On the contrary, an excess of protein in the ration is not recommended.

Mineral & vitamins

A racing camel needs to have good muscle on a thin and solid skeleton. Hence the importance of minerals that play a role in bone metabolism, but also in muscle metabolism, which is known to be highly dependent on calcium availability during muscle contraction. A deficiency in calcium, but also in phosphorus, is a factor that weakens the skeleton and can lead to spontaneous fractures during more or less violent races.

Concerning the trace elements, the particular role of iron and copper in the composition of myoglobin and hemoglobin, essential proteins of muscle fibres and red blood cells that play a role in the transport of oxygen during exercise, should be highlighted.

Selenium is a co-factor of an enzyme, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), whose action is decisive for maintaining the optimal amount of red blood cells. It neutralizes the action of peroxides, toxic molecules that accumulate in cells during cellular metabolism and cause their destruction. Selenium is also an element of myosin that is involved in muscle contraction and protects against muscular dystrophy. Selenium generally acts in synergy with vitamin E, which accumulates in sites where oxygen pressure is high, such as in the membranes of red blood cells.

Vitamin C, which is known to be very high in milk, is necessary for iron metabolism and red blood cell maturation. In addition, its anti-stress and antioxidant action is very beneficial for the animal. B-group vitamins are co-factors in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and, as such, stimulate the general metabolism. The other vitamins (A and D) are also very useful. Finally, we advise against watering the animals during the 2 days preceding the race to avoid weighing them down.


Camel feeding


Passion Horse